
Explore Database

Earnings Database

Total earnings: £135,859,177.03 | Hours worked: 308240.6 | Hourly rate of £440.76/hr

Start Date ↓Member Entity Entity Category Value Nature Hours worked
8/16/2024 Laurence Turner Trade Union £8,476.59 Trade Union Official 160.0
8/16/2024 Elaine Stewart Company £4,940.00 Project manager 0.0
8/16/2024 Josh Simons Company £1,675.00 Appearances on Politics Hub television programme 5.0
8/16/2024 Lisa Smart Public Fund £417.69 Regional Lead Peer 3.0
8/16/2024 Dr Neil Shastri-Hurst Public Fund £0.00 Member of the Appeals Committee for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority 0.0
8/16/2024 Joe Robertson Other £1,101.63 Governance Advisor 187.5
8/16/2024 Emma Reynolds Other £2,975.86 Managing Director 0.0
8/16/2024 Adrian Ramsay Charity £0.00 Chief Executive Officer 0.0
8/16/2024 Joe Powell Public Fund £11,054.89 Deputy CEO 32.0
8/16/2024 Brian Leishman Public Fund £1,497.78 Councillor 160.0